Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hard work and dedication is often a phrase associated with some type of sport or competitive activity but not used too often with relationships. Why is this? Well it's pretty simple, as nature would have it, impulsiveness is something that most struggle with, especially in the world of dating. You see it, you want it, you go for it, and this works...sometimes. I've heard the phrase "you're just too picky" all of my adult life and to that I say, yes, I am and with great reason. By being "picky" I've decided exactly what I'm looking for and have to say that I have no regrets if finding it means being single for years to come. I think it's safe to say that those awesome couples that have been together for 50 plus years didn't settle. It's knowing exactly what you want and what you deserve that makes relationships. Like winter makes summer that much sweeter, patient persistence in finding exactly what your looking for makes the wait worth it. Once that person is found the hard work and dedication that goes into a relationship is worth it, and it's because you know that person is worth it. So be picky, be unsettled, and when what you're looking for comes along go for it with everything you have, even if that "something" is years in the future.

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