Thursday, March 1, 2012

Enjoy It!

It's unseasonably sunny and warm, campus is alive, and everyone I know is just happier. It's out of the ordinary days like this that make you realize how great things actually are and made me realize what a problem I have of getting in a boring and mundane routine. Unfortunately, school is a big reason I get in these "slumps" and I simply just get through the day because of it, but I've realized that life is way too short to "get through the day." My current up swing in mood made me realize that actually "living" my day is way better. The beauty of living the day is that it's actually pretty simple. For me, it's nothing more than realizing that I need to focus on the positive and get away from my typically pessimistic attitude, which is why awesome weather was able to evoke this realization, it "brightened" my day (pun intended.) With that said, I've decided that more days than not can and should be bright ones. Cliche, maybe, but if cliche's are able to evoke living your day instead of drudging through it then I'm all for it. So open your eyes, there is something bright in every day, God made sure of it so enjoy it.

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