Friday, February 10, 2012

Best Day of The Year... Not

It's here again, the day that "love" is celebrated and couples across the country have an excuse to go on a date and spend money on all things pink and red, Valentines Day. For some this day is exciting and full of great feelings usually elicited by someone they love (or really like) and for those people enjoying this day, have enough fun for the rest of us. Dread may be a good word to describe the oh so great 14th day of February for all the "singles." Unlike those sharing this day with that special someone, we "others" get to spend this day being reminded of that special someone we don't have, oh joy. So what do we do about this day, there are only a few options here and usually they just don't work. We could ignore this day and try to go about it like it's any other day... until your best friend receives 400 roses and a card that won't fit through the door, yea that won't work. Then there's the "well I'll show them, I'll just rent a movie and eat cookie dough by myself tonight" approach which fails because you end up watching some romantic comedy where people fall in love and when your roommate gets back from their awesome date your crying on the couch stuffing your face, bad idea. So what to do? You tell me, I've been trying to figure it out for like four years. But seriously, the truth is, for those of us who are suffering from being single on this celebrated day, remaining hopeful that next year we might actually get to participate in the holiday is about all we can do (or egg cars at your local Ruth's Chris.) So to all of you in my boat, let's be happy this Tuesday, because statistics show that at least 50% of the couples on dates will be single soon (evil laugh.)

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