Monday, March 4, 2013

Ignorance Is Bliss

To live is to learn, that's a truth I believe in. Some may disagree with the argument that not everyone learns from their experiences, to that I disagree. We all learn as life passes us by or we jump on and enjoy the ride. It's not a matter of not learning, but simply a matter of to what extent we apply what we learn. For those of us that ignore the lessons life teaches us, we not so gracefully fall into ignorance. I, especially lately, have remained ignorant. Whether it's a phase or simply a rough patch in my life it doesn't really matter, what matters is when one is able to open their eyes and right their wrongs. There are few guarantees in life outside of death, but one thing that life always brings is failure. It is in the moments of failure that begin to define what type of person we will become. For me, failure is forever evoking the urge to not try, to not pursue what I so long to pursue so that I may not feel the bite of failure. Just typing that opens my eyes even more to the sadness that life can sometimes swallow us up in. After so many attempts and failures, denial begins to set in right along side comfort, and this is where so many people are and may forever remain, comfortably living in denial that their life is actually what they want it to be. But when someone dives into the deep dark spaces of their soul's wants and desires, their denial has left them far from the truth. Being ignorant allows our minds to settle, and there in lies the problem. It is in our nature to want to be happy, even if that means living in denial that we can be comfortably ignorant. Open your eyes, beg the question that may open up fear that could leave you paralyzed by the sudden jolt from denial and comfort, the question that may shake the very foundation that you have built your world around. But you have to remember that life is finite, and it is for this very reason that simply being ignorant so that life can be comfortable is so unjust and unfair that it's almost criminal to subject yourself to it. Be honest, be open, and answer the question, "what do I want?" For me I haven't quite locked it down, but that's the beauty of it, I know it's not what I'm doing now, and that very statement drags me from comfortable ignorance into the unknown, and that's great for me, it allows me to open up a world that I've never been in, and that friends, is living...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

In Light of Love

Is it merely a thing that can illicit such emotion that can bring a man to his knees in despair or lift him off the ground in joy? It can bring both pain and pleasure and when taken advantage of is one of the worst mistakes a person can make. It can only be described by those who have experienced it and understood by those who have felt it. It creates a bond so strong that many die never have loosening their grip on it. Some have the pleasure of being in it as they read this and others the hope of what it brings. Some have felt it's unbelievably bitter sting that can leave scars deeper than the imagination ever allowed and others sheer joy from something as simple as look from the one they love. How is it that such an experience can bring about such opposite effects? I don't think anyone can quite give an answer, but I do feel that no matter the consequence, hard pursuit in spite of failure is beyond worth even the potential that it holds. Love, so intricate and delicate, yet bold and unbreakable, impossible to understand, yet irresistibly easy to feel. When treated with care, love can bring us through anything and will withstand the test they call time. A year ago today I wrote quite oppositely of love and February 14th, but I guess a year has given me time to become just a little more wise. I wish the best to all that read this, in love or not, searching or not. Whether it be a significant other or someone you barely know, take the time today to realize what love is and allow yourself to be aware of it. Happy Valentines Day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hello Summer

It's no secret that I absolutely loathe the coming months that are winter. It's like a blanket of dread wraps itself around all things happy, a dementor if you will. However, to avoid being negative and unpleasant to be around I've made a habit of looking forward to the spring and summer months. Just the thought has the potential to brighten my day, even if it is dark at 4:30. The truth is, a very vivid picture was laid out tonight while I watched a movie and as cheesy as it may sound it was wonderful. The scene was simple, two people, hopelessly bound to fall in love, naturally, and they sit on the edge of a dock on a summer night enjoying nothing more than each other and the sounds of summer. Flirting and romance ensue, clothes come off (not all of them, PG) and the next thing you know they are jumping in the lake. Call me cheesy, don't care, in a month as miserable as January, this scene brought more than just a few minutes in a movie, but packed in the beauty of memory and a little longing. I don't know about you, but spring and summer bring about so much life and color it is impossible that it go unnoticed. More than just flowers and trees spring to life, it's as if, like blooms, I begin to come alive in a new way every year. It was this feeling of life that the scene provoked, hence inspiring this post. So, if you're like me and the next few months just bring you down take some advice, go to the memory bank and recall the beauty and life that are not too far off. Take a breathe, imagine that favorite summer spot with the people (or person) you enjoy most, and slip away for a moment. That bit of longing gets me through my least favorite months every year, hope it can for you too.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Human Nature

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you could take away outside influences and decide what it is that you want for your life? In the post college period, where the time to decide what it is that I truly want from this thing called life, I have quickly realized that I simply do not know. Not too long ago I started thinking about what it is I would do if the decision was purely mine, keyword being purely. What hit me was surprising and it was the fact that so many opinions and even what I thought I wanted to do years ago now play a key part in deciding what I want now. To be honest, this realization was subtly disappointing at first then as time passed I began to grow more and more frustrated at the idea that I may not be making one of the most important decisions of my life on my own. These outside influences come from parents, friends, thought of supporting a future wife, and even the idea of not doing what you told so many you would and being embarrassed by it. Too often I can't put these factors out of my mind, so instead of coming up with something that I think I may truly enjoy and be at peace with, I never allow myself to idealize these things because of outside influences. Some of the most prominent people to ever exist were frowned on by society and half of them never had a "real" job, modern day authors are a prime example (that is until they write a best-seller.) So why share these thoughts? The reason is this, I want to truly refuse outside influence and go against what is so human and is simply our nature, and decide what I want in life for only the reasons that I see fit. The liberation and freedom people who have done this before me I can only imagine and while it may be hard, I'd like to join this group of people, no matter the societal consequence. If you'd like to surprise yourself ask yourself the question if you haven't already and imagine your answer in it's utmost purity; "What do I  want." Let your mind free and imagine what brings you joy in this life and push out the mess that friends, family, and society as a whole have put in. Not to say that all advice and outside wisdom is bad, but bar God, no one knows what's best for you than, well, you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Long Way Down

Thanks to the one and only Dee Crawford, I've yet again found some inspiration to share some thoughts. Earlier today I happened to be reading some of the psalms when my "inspiration" arrived via text. Coincidence? Maybe, but I like to think not. The higher we climb the further we must fall, meaning, at some point the weight of what we have carried and the distance we traveled carrying it is bound to evoke a fall. In reading psalms you quickly see a theme of crying out to God in desperation and adoration as the psalmist pray and praise God through their ups and downs, which is what this life is guaranteed to bring. One of the greatest analogies I have ever read said that a fish out of water or a tree out of the soil does not make either free. A common mistake among people is that running from God and separating ourselves from him gives us "freedom" to do as we please, but the reality is it does nothing more than drown us or remove the very source that was bringing about life. While there is no mistake that living without God is indeed doable, as we prove when we climb and climb on our own, it is the length at which we can travel that has a limit. Everyone has a different threshold when it comes to living without God, but we all have a point at which the load becomes too much and thus the fall commences. One thing is guaranteed, we will try to move through this world on our own and at some point fail, but the less time we spend on our own, the shorter the fall. So, take a lighter and more kind burden as you walk with God and avoid doing it on your own and setting yourself up for a long way down.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From Dark to Light

A theme that has existed from the time before time is that of darkness and light often referred to as good and evil. So it's no surprise that it has been (and still is) discussed and debated among great philosophers and sidewalk commoners for thousands of years. The relevance of darkness and light has very recently struck a chord in my own life, hence the sudden post after a rather dormant writing period. Anyone that knows me knows that I love to laugh and enjoy life with the minimal amount of stress possible. While I think that this has worked well for me, there must be a breaking point where the stresses of life, sin, and whatever else do indeed break you. Catching on? While sharing the events leading up to this break are unnecessary, and being I'm not seeking sympathy and pity, I do, however, feel obligated to endeavor to inspire those that may be on the verge of the "break" with the confidence that through a mighty and gracious God, darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. It is no secret that I am a Christian (at least I hope not) but I have, for the most part, only eluded to this fact in previous blogs as these are meant mainly to entertain and occasionally challenge readers. But, when God does only what he can it demands praise. A very dark and formidable season of my life has finally ended and the light at the end of the tunnel was that of God ushering me back to Him. So whatever it is that you may be struggling with, know that there is an incredible God ready to beckon you home and receive you with grace, as he has done for me on more than one occasion. It is in the dark times I swell with doubt and fear and begin to take life into my own hands. After failing consistently at these attempts, I have realized that I do not, and never will have the steady hands of God to handle the situations and temptations that this life has to offer. So look up and let go so that you may allow God to take the reigns.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Look In

What is meant by "chaos and confusion?" Is it the total awareness that one isn't in control, or that what is going on around you has escalated to a point that brings no comfort? I think this phrase brings about a plethora of meanings to the people that use it. So why bother asking this question? I ask because it hit me that after defining what "chaos and confusion" means, it seems that the common answer points to not having control. So if this is true then life in general must be a constant state of chaos and confusion? So, why is it that we don't see life this way at all times? Asking this question brought me to a realization and a since of comfort and it's this; the little things in life like laughter, anger, joy, and love bring about and evoke feelings that "chaos and confusion" can't overcome. Given, there are moments in life that force us to see that we aren't in control and cause feelings of absolute vulnerability but they are just that, moments. So when these moments hit and life seems overwhelming and in control of you remember that it is what happens outside of chaos and confusion that make life the wonderful thing that it can be.