Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From Dark to Light

A theme that has existed from the time before time is that of darkness and light often referred to as good and evil. So it's no surprise that it has been (and still is) discussed and debated among great philosophers and sidewalk commoners for thousands of years. The relevance of darkness and light has very recently struck a chord in my own life, hence the sudden post after a rather dormant writing period. Anyone that knows me knows that I love to laugh and enjoy life with the minimal amount of stress possible. While I think that this has worked well for me, there must be a breaking point where the stresses of life, sin, and whatever else do indeed break you. Catching on? While sharing the events leading up to this break are unnecessary, and being I'm not seeking sympathy and pity, I do, however, feel obligated to endeavor to inspire those that may be on the verge of the "break" with the confidence that through a mighty and gracious God, darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. It is no secret that I am a Christian (at least I hope not) but I have, for the most part, only eluded to this fact in previous blogs as these are meant mainly to entertain and occasionally challenge readers. But, when God does only what he can it demands praise. A very dark and formidable season of my life has finally ended and the light at the end of the tunnel was that of God ushering me back to Him. So whatever it is that you may be struggling with, know that there is an incredible God ready to beckon you home and receive you with grace, as he has done for me on more than one occasion. It is in the dark times I swell with doubt and fear and begin to take life into my own hands. After failing consistently at these attempts, I have realized that I do not, and never will have the steady hands of God to handle the situations and temptations that this life has to offer. So look up and let go so that you may allow God to take the reigns.

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