Monday, September 24, 2012

A Long Way Down

Thanks to the one and only Dee Crawford, I've yet again found some inspiration to share some thoughts. Earlier today I happened to be reading some of the psalms when my "inspiration" arrived via text. Coincidence? Maybe, but I like to think not. The higher we climb the further we must fall, meaning, at some point the weight of what we have carried and the distance we traveled carrying it is bound to evoke a fall. In reading psalms you quickly see a theme of crying out to God in desperation and adoration as the psalmist pray and praise God through their ups and downs, which is what this life is guaranteed to bring. One of the greatest analogies I have ever read said that a fish out of water or a tree out of the soil does not make either free. A common mistake among people is that running from God and separating ourselves from him gives us "freedom" to do as we please, but the reality is it does nothing more than drown us or remove the very source that was bringing about life. While there is no mistake that living without God is indeed doable, as we prove when we climb and climb on our own, it is the length at which we can travel that has a limit. Everyone has a different threshold when it comes to living without God, but we all have a point at which the load becomes too much and thus the fall commences. One thing is guaranteed, we will try to move through this world on our own and at some point fail, but the less time we spend on our own, the shorter the fall. So, take a lighter and more kind burden as you walk with God and avoid doing it on your own and setting yourself up for a long way down.

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