Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Human Nature

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you could take away outside influences and decide what it is that you want for your life? In the post college period, where the time to decide what it is that I truly want from this thing called life, I have quickly realized that I simply do not know. Not too long ago I started thinking about what it is I would do if the decision was purely mine, keyword being purely. What hit me was surprising and it was the fact that so many opinions and even what I thought I wanted to do years ago now play a key part in deciding what I want now. To be honest, this realization was subtly disappointing at first then as time passed I began to grow more and more frustrated at the idea that I may not be making one of the most important decisions of my life on my own. These outside influences come from parents, friends, thought of supporting a future wife, and even the idea of not doing what you told so many you would and being embarrassed by it. Too often I can't put these factors out of my mind, so instead of coming up with something that I think I may truly enjoy and be at peace with, I never allow myself to idealize these things because of outside influences. Some of the most prominent people to ever exist were frowned on by society and half of them never had a "real" job, modern day authors are a prime example (that is until they write a best-seller.) So why share these thoughts? The reason is this, I want to truly refuse outside influence and go against what is so human and is simply our nature, and decide what I want in life for only the reasons that I see fit. The liberation and freedom people who have done this before me I can only imagine and while it may be hard, I'd like to join this group of people, no matter the societal consequence. If you'd like to surprise yourself ask yourself the question if you haven't already and imagine your answer in it's utmost purity; "What do I  want." Let your mind free and imagine what brings you joy in this life and push out the mess that friends, family, and society as a whole have put in. Not to say that all advice and outside wisdom is bad, but bar God, no one knows what's best for you than, well, you.

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