Friday, December 9, 2011

In The Big Scheme of Things...

Ever had those moments in life where something happens and it feels like its the end of the world? Well I have. To be honest, its in those moments when I question where my life is going, why I'm in the position I'm in, and is this even worth my effort? Usually, I say no to all of the above and just want to quit, and at times I have. The problem with this is that all of us are emotional creatures, that's the way we were designed and its because of this that we want to feel sorry for ourselves and dwell on what we can't redo. What I have learned, is that with time, and sometimes not a lot of it, these irrational feeling of wanting to give up and question our entire motive aren't worth the stress or self pity when we picture them in the big scheme of things. Let's be honest, if we just step back and look at our situation compared to how bad it could have been, or how bad other people have it, we quickly see how not severe it really is. So, in moments of despair and stress just step back and look at the big picture, take a deep breathe, and respond as positive as you can to the situation at hand. Besides, its not getting knocked down that shapes your character, its how you pick yourself up.

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