Sunday, December 18, 2011

With Age Comes Wisdom... I Think?

Here lately I've noticed a few things in this life that I can honestly say I've never thought of much less contemplated. Ones of these unexpected "epiphany's" is that life is becoming far more complicated much quicker than I ever expected. The reality is that the older I get the more responsibility I am forced to take on and the less stress free my outlook on life is. To complicate life even more, as we get older we become a little wiser and a little less quick to forget things that we might have when the stresses of life weren't so apparent. So what happens (and what I am currently realizing) is that with age does come wisdom and realizations that my former stress free no care self never realized, and because of this some of the joys of life lose a little spark. However, something else I've also noticed with a little age is that I have started to appreciate things that I either took for granted or completely lacked appreciation for. Being in school is one area of life that I greatly under appreciated until very recently. Seeing this typed out even a few months ago would have made me laugh, but I have seen the benefits and blessings that I have received because of it. So, as things may seem a little less care-free and easy as we get a little older its always great to see the lessons that life teaches us whether its the hard way or not. A little lesson I learned from the wonderful movie Zombieland is "enjoy the little things." Without this life can and will overwhelm. So, learn from the rough stuff, appreciate what needs to be appreciated, enjoy the little things, and look forward to what life has to offer.

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