Thursday, April 12, 2012

Timing Is Everything

So its been a while since my last post and I can honestly say that lately inspiration to write hasn't really been there. However, I've found a little incitement and it is mainly due to the insane pace my life has bolted into as the last semester of my career at UT comes to a close. I've done a lot of reflecting lately due to the current state my life is in and I realize that while a lot of things are in my control, some simply aren't. It's the things that I can't control that seem to perplex me most and I end up with a desire to control them, only to be brought back to earth and realize I can't. For some situations being in the wrong place at the wrong time leads to that lack of control we so desire while in other situations the "thing" we most want to have is there the whole time and not being able to have it is simply due to timing. A lesson I'm quickly learning is that you really can't always get what you want. Society says if you work hard enough you can do just about anything and most of the time that's true but when it isn't, how we face what's out of our control says a lot about us. Lately I see that facing what I can't have and accepting it is extremely difficult but it is simply part of life. Now, more than ever, having to move on and truly transition into this thing we call "adulthood" and face situations from a mature perspectives is a good thing, and by accepting what I can't control I am much more at ease. In these realizations I was also made aware that acceptance of what we can't control should not be an excuse to give up on something worth fighting for, there is a huge difference. So step back, look at what you can actually control, accept what you can't, and fight for what is worth fighting for, even if it means failing, because sometimes failing is better than not trying.