Monday, March 4, 2013

Ignorance Is Bliss

To live is to learn, that's a truth I believe in. Some may disagree with the argument that not everyone learns from their experiences, to that I disagree. We all learn as life passes us by or we jump on and enjoy the ride. It's not a matter of not learning, but simply a matter of to what extent we apply what we learn. For those of us that ignore the lessons life teaches us, we not so gracefully fall into ignorance. I, especially lately, have remained ignorant. Whether it's a phase or simply a rough patch in my life it doesn't really matter, what matters is when one is able to open their eyes and right their wrongs. There are few guarantees in life outside of death, but one thing that life always brings is failure. It is in the moments of failure that begin to define what type of person we will become. For me, failure is forever evoking the urge to not try, to not pursue what I so long to pursue so that I may not feel the bite of failure. Just typing that opens my eyes even more to the sadness that life can sometimes swallow us up in. After so many attempts and failures, denial begins to set in right along side comfort, and this is where so many people are and may forever remain, comfortably living in denial that their life is actually what they want it to be. But when someone dives into the deep dark spaces of their soul's wants and desires, their denial has left them far from the truth. Being ignorant allows our minds to settle, and there in lies the problem. It is in our nature to want to be happy, even if that means living in denial that we can be comfortably ignorant. Open your eyes, beg the question that may open up fear that could leave you paralyzed by the sudden jolt from denial and comfort, the question that may shake the very foundation that you have built your world around. But you have to remember that life is finite, and it is for this very reason that simply being ignorant so that life can be comfortable is so unjust and unfair that it's almost criminal to subject yourself to it. Be honest, be open, and answer the question, "what do I want?" For me I haven't quite locked it down, but that's the beauty of it, I know it's not what I'm doing now, and that very statement drags me from comfortable ignorance into the unknown, and that's great for me, it allows me to open up a world that I've never been in, and that friends, is living...