Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Look In

What is meant by "chaos and confusion?" Is it the total awareness that one isn't in control, or that what is going on around you has escalated to a point that brings no comfort? I think this phrase brings about a plethora of meanings to the people that use it. So why bother asking this question? I ask because it hit me that after defining what "chaos and confusion" means, it seems that the common answer points to not having control. So if this is true then life in general must be a constant state of chaos and confusion? So, why is it that we don't see life this way at all times? Asking this question brought me to a realization and a since of comfort and it's this; the little things in life like laughter, anger, joy, and love bring about and evoke feelings that "chaos and confusion" can't overcome. Given, there are moments in life that force us to see that we aren't in control and cause feelings of absolute vulnerability but they are just that, moments. So when these moments hit and life seems overwhelming and in control of you remember that it is what happens outside of chaos and confusion that make life the wonderful thing that it can be.